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"The Dragons Tongue"- Mary Bailey Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park. This happens twice a year and I had no idea it was happening when we scheduled our visit to the BCG. Only when the earth is perfect alignment with the sun does the sunrise hit "Dragons Tongue" to light it on fire. I saw an image like this at a local photographer’s studio and was in love with it. I almost found myself wanting to purchase it because I thought I would never get to see it for myself. I still cannot believe I was able to capture this because we didn't even know where it was located. But here it is, or at least my version of it and it happened by sheer chance. So many things were "meant to be" as we came across/found it early enough in the day to catch it. The crazier part is that there was NO ONE else around. This park is one of the most beautiful pristine places I have been and I feel in love with its beauty. I will be back again to the Black Canyon to try my hand at photographing the Milky Way.

"The Dragons Tongue" - Mary Bailey Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park

  • Designed for high quality digital fine art reproduction, all of these papers have a matte appearance with excellent image sharpness and optimal color density and gradation. The thickness and surface texture of these fine art papers provide both substance and beauty. Smooth Matte is a 100% cotton hot press paper. It has the smoothest surface of our fine art papers.

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